Tuna Report
Opening statement
The scientific name for Tuna/Eel is Anguilliformes. In maori the eel is known as the Tuna.There are fewer eels these days because of the loss of wetlands and historical commercial fishing practice.Their are two types of Tuna the long finn and the short fin.
When eels are small they have smooth heads but when they grow up they start to get a bulbous head (Which means fat and round head).Eels are like fish they have scales and fins.But the long fins top fin is longer than its bottom that's why it is named the longfin.Just because eels don't look like they have scales doesn't mean they don't have them tiny little scales are on the eels skin so you can't really see them but there.Some eels may look like snakes but there are 800 species of eels.
Longfin eel only breed at the end of their life.But when they want to breed they got to the subtropical ocean to spawn they probably go deep in the ocean holes.When they get to where they need to go the females lay millions of fertilized eggs.The eggs or known as larvae looks like nothing they are transparent they are flat and they are leaf shaped and you can't see the properly.Some people say the freshwater eels travel 4,000 miles to breed.
Eels are carnivores they are meat eaters they eat worms,snails,frogs,shrimps,mussels and other small fish.They mostly hunt for food at night.Now days eels have a technique to catch their pray they slither through 2 rocks to catch their prey.But when they grow up eels start to eat prey that are bigger or as big as them.
You will normally find eels in freshwater streams,rivers,lakes or if they are breeding you will find them in the sea water or on their way to the ocean.They normally hide in little burrows in the water or try and find little shelters or in the side on the river banks and in the mud.
Closing statement
Longfin eels can live up to 25 to 80 years old until they breed then die but the shortfin eels live up to 15 to 18 years and people should not eat longfin eels because they are toxic inside of them.There are a big loss of longfin eels because it is from the big loss of wetlands.
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